Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

[Q540.Ebook] Fee Download Unworthy, by Elaine May

Fee Download Unworthy, by Elaine May

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Unworthy, by Elaine May

Unworthy, by Elaine May

Unworthy, by Elaine May

Fee Download Unworthy, by Elaine May

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Unworthy, by Elaine May

“This is all your fault.”
“You worthless piece of shit.”
“I hate you."
“He left us because of you.
“We live like this because of you. YOU GRACE.”
“You won’t amount to anything, you’re useless.”
“I wish I never had you, I hate you you're worthless.”
Those were the words that were told to me so many times as a child that I can only think of them as the truth. I lived by my own rules to protect my myself from more heart break, but that was until he came into my world... Until Samuel Harding.

  • Sales Rank: #138833 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-22
  • Released on: 2015-06-22
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Too much internal dialogue
By AvidReaderHonestReview
I generally decide on a book by the title. If that grabs my attention I read the summary, and I always read the reviews. The title already gave you a sense of what the book would be about, and you could tell from the very short, but intense summary that the h was going to have a heart wrenching story. I was intrigued. This all held true. And although I felt for the h and admired her strength to make something of herself despite what she had been through, I found the style and structure of the writing to almost take away from my ability to really feel for the h and connect with her character. It got to a point that her back and forth was a bit much. And the H, although he had a good sense that professing his insta love for the h would scare her off, could have been a little more forward with his feelings to perhaps prevent some of the back and forth. Perhaps not, but just a thought.

As to the style, its not just a pet peeve of mine with this book, but with all books that are mostly internal dialogue driven. The paragraphs are written in such a way that one paragraph is almost an entire page. Its run on sentences. I get (or at least I am assuming this is the purpose of this style and structure of writing) that this is supposed to help us get in and stay in the h's head. It is meant to help the reader be in tune with the stream of consciousness "real time" as the thoughts are happening. But it's overwhelming, and repetitive, and to that end, I end up skimming at times because she is literally having the same internal conversation with herself over and over. Even though the book is told in dual POV, 90% of it is from the POV of the h, and the portion that is from the H is just as repetitive. Literally, he says the same things over and over. This internal dialogue styling makes for little interaction between the H and h, even when they are in scenes together there is little conversation between the two of them.

***spoiler alert***
I feel like this is supposed to be one of those taboo love stories that are all over the place right now, and in an attempt to stand out from those, the taboo is never mentioned. So, unless I missed something, the H and h are cousins. And we find out that he knows this, although perhaps not the first time he meets her at her second job. His uncle wanted him to check on the whereabouts of the daughter he had as a result of an affair with his maid. And it turns out, whatever information the uncle had, is correct. But no one freaks out over this. No one thinks "hey, you cannot have a relationship with this girl because she is your cousin." Its just not mentioned. So again, unless I skimmed over something, it seems keeping it all in the family is all good!

I don't have much to say about the H. Again, the tidbits we get about him are mostly through internal dialogue the h has with herself. In his internal brooding, we get the sense that the author is trying to portray him as someone who has never been in love, and maybe used to sleeping around and not feeling anything for those women, but somehow the h is different as soon as he sees her. Honestly, I feel like his chapters are just to remind us he is there and not some figment of the h's imagination.

I am hard pressed to say I liked this book. It may be that I have read a slew of mediocre books lately and this just seems to fall in line with all the rest. It doesn't really stand out, and it will not go into my "read again" section on my kindle. I feel for the h, I really do. She has had a crappy life, but there is a sense that she has some inner strength that got her to the point at which we find her in the beginning of the book. She doesn't cope in positive ways, but therapy would have done her wonders. The style and constant run on sentences of internal dialogue do the opposite for me than other reviewers. It took me away from the h and made me feel more like she was whining and less like I wanted to give her a hug and tell her it would all be ok. That may sound heartless, but pages and pages of just one paragraph repeating the same thing over and over doesn't make a story poignant...it just makes it long and repetitive.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Beautiful !
By Books Laid Bare & Books Laid Bare Boys
Oh lord this is this book needs very little said about it other than the fact that it is a stunningly beautiful story.
I wasn’t sure what I was going to get at first, this was a new author to me but I have to say I was stunned into silence with the quality of the work that was laid before me and the depth of emotion that the story managed to engage from me.
I found myself feeling a huge sense of empathy with Grace.
She had a past that made me feel very sad for what she had been through, she deserved better, she suffered as a child and it clouded the impression that she not only had of herself but it also tainted how she perceived others saw her.
I applauded the fact that she fought hard to be more than she had always been and so much more than others had expected from her, because she was worth more than any of them!
Her life was what she had made it but when Samuel came into the picture, my heart soared for her. Finally someone who could see her for the glorious woman that she was.
He really was a beautifully caring man. He saw Grace for the real woman beneath the surface, the woman that her heart proved she was…Special!
He was as special as she was and he brought the family she had always deserved into her life. He gave her all life that together they could both revel in, grow into.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
3 stars
By jennifer skewes
Grace grew up constantly feeling like she was unworthy. Mainly due to her mother treating her that way. Now she is on her own, has not friends and has a plan to work as much as she can so she can save up for her own home. When she meets Samuel, who happens to be her boss there is something there. He is definitely attracted and he has taken an interest in her as well. But Grace has never felt like she is worthy of him. Will Samuel be able to make see how much she deserves to be loved?

I wanted to loved this book so much. Reading the synopsis alone I could not wait to read it. But unfortunately it just fell flat for me. The first half of the book seemed to be slow and also very repetitive at times. And I honestly wasn't even sure that I could trust Samuel in the beginning. I didn't connect with the characters or feel the emotions that I had hoped to. The last 40% of this book I really enjoyed. I loved seeing the past come back and see how it was all connected. And as time went on Samuel grew up on me. I also enjoyed the ending as well.

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Unworthy, by Elaine May PDF

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

[B361.Ebook] Free PDF Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology, by Joseph Pilates, Judd Robbins

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Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology, by Joseph Pilates, Judd Robbins

Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology, by Joseph Pilates, Judd Robbins

Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology, by Joseph Pilates, Judd Robbins

Free PDF Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology, by Joseph Pilates, Judd Robbins

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Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology, by Joseph Pilates, Judd Robbins

First published in 1945, Pilates’ Return to Life Through Contrology contains the authorized, legal, edited, and original Library of Congress version of Joseph H. Pilates and William J. Miller first complete fitness writings. It details the exercises, poses, and instructions fundamental to the matwork developed by Joseph and Clara Pilates. Based on his concepts of a balanced body and mind and drawn from the approach espoused by the early Greeks, these are the exercises that currently sustain a worldwide revolution in fitness strategies and exercise techniques. Readers will learn and view the original 34 exercises that Pilates taught to his students, many of whom have become exercise gurus in their own right. These carefully designed exercises are the result of decades of scientific study, experimentation and research into the variety of physical ills that upset the balance of body and mind. In this book, readers will learn the exercises that Joseph Pilates recommended to accompany his basic advice regarding posture, body mechanics, correct breathing, spinal flexibility, and physical education.

  • Sales Rank: #98546 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-08-29
  • Released on: 2011-08-29
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Back Cover
This book represents the first major publication in 1945 by Joseph H. Pilates and William J. Miller detailing the exercises, poses, and instructions fundamental to the matwork developed by Joseph and Clara Pilates. Based on his concepts of a balanced Body and Mind, drawn from the approach espoused by the early Greeks, these are the exercises that currently sustain a worldwide revolution in fitness strategies and exercise techniques.

Joseph Pilates has been nothing short of revolutionary in his impact on the world of fitness and exercise. You will learn in this book the original 34 exercises that he taught to his students, many of whom have become exercise gurus in their own right. These carefully designed exercises constitute the results of decades of scientific study, experimentation and research into the variety of physical ills that upset the balance of body and mind.

Pilates makes extraordinary claims about the benefits of his defined science of "Contrology". The exercises shown in this book constitute the breadth of his original definition of Contrology, and are basic to the growing army of worldwide trainers whose teachings rely on the instructions contained in this book. Living testimony to the validity of his own teachings, the photographs of this book are of Joseph Pilates himself at age sixty!

In this book, you will learn the exercises that Joseph Pilates recommended to accompany the basic advice (offered separately in his book, Your Health - see below) regarding posture, body mechanics, correct breathing, spinal flexibility, and physical education. It is fascinating to study these exercises and to discover the origins of what is being taught by fitness enthusiasts, health educators, and exercise trainers around the world.

About the Author
At the beginning of the First World War, Joseph Pilates was imprisoned in England along with many Germans who happened to be living at the time in and around Lancaster, England. He was a German national who had been boxing and performing in England prior to 1914. While living in the Camp, he taught other residents the series of exercises that he had developed for personal use over the preceding decades both in Germany and in England. His own exercise sets drew strongly from his studies of yoga and Zen, as well as ancient Roman and Greek exercise regimens.

Most helpful customer reviews

14 of 14 people found the following review helpful.
read this before taking Pilates classes
By R. Smith
Like many other brilliant philosophies, minor changes through generations of Pilates instructors have cumulatively changed the exercise routine developed by Joseph Pilates to the extent that the creator himself might be appalled by what is passing for his work in many studios. This book brings the work to the student as Joesph Pilates intended them for the average person. While I would not take issue with someone who has practiced the routine as very precisely taught by Pilates himself, the now common practice of using the exercises as an aerobic workout, or teaching people with a diminished sense of physical self the exercises as practiced by dancers does a great disservice to their potential health and well-being. Pilates is teaching the philosophy, psychology, and physiology of health step by deliberate step. If you want to feel your best, read the words of the prophet himself before engaging a teacher 12 generations away from the master. You might get lucky with your choice, but knowing what Pilates was trying to teach will go a long way to inform your practice.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent resource
By Kristopher D. Kufit
The book is short, succinct, and effective. Mr. Pilates put together an effective resource in this book which describes his philosophy towards fitness connected with a persons liveliness and health, and explains how this program invigorates the user. I will rather master these exercises before continuing towards what pilates has become today. I am a fit person who often does kettle bells, yoga, occasional barbell weights, and more, and I found myself cringing a few times with seemingly simple movements from this book. Tread carefully! Yet an excellent resource.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Best version out there (unless you have the bucks for an original)
By Tracy Maurstad
If you practice or teach Pilates this is a MUST. Some of what is taught as Pilates these days is far from it. Get back to the source, the man himself; his words, him modeling the exercises. This version of Return To Life, done by the Pilates Method Alliance, is gorgeous. It features clearer remastered photographs, it's nicely laid out and I even prefer the modern, simple font. I have two other versions of this book and bought this as a gift for someone. But it's too beautiful. I'm keeping this copy and ordering another to give away.

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Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology, by Joseph Pilates, Judd Robbins PDF

Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology, by Joseph Pilates, Judd Robbins PDF
Pilates' Return to Life Through Contrology, by Joseph Pilates, Judd Robbins PDF

[O572.Ebook] Ebook Download Tales of the Supernatural in Early Modern Japan: Kaidan, Akinari, Ugetsu Monogatari (Japanese Studies, 16), by Noriko T. Reider

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Tales of the Supernatural in Early Modern Japan: Kaidan, Akinari, Ugetsu Monogatari (Japanese Studies, 16), by Noriko T. Reider

Tales of the Supernatural in Early Modern Japan: Kaidan, Akinari, Ugetsu Monogatari (Japanese Studies, 16), by Noriko T. Reider

Tales of the Supernatural in Early Modern Japan: Kaidan, Akinari, Ugetsu Monogatari (Japanese Studies, 16), by Noriko T. Reider

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Tales of the Supernatural in Early Modern Japan: Kaidan, Akinari, Ugetsu Monogatari (Japanese Studies, 16), by Noriko T. Reider

This book is intended to assess the significance of kaidan, specifically its multi-dimensional reflection of an impact on Japanese culture in the Edo period. The legacy of Japan's cultural efflorescence in the late eighteenth century was far-reaching, its fruits often seen as epitomizing the entire Tokugawa period. In the years between the Kan'en era (1748-1751) and the chilling effects of the Kansei Reforms (1790), there was no dearth of innovative belletristic expression, but in the area of fiction, the yomihon of Ueda Akinari (1734-1809) eclipse all else. Professor Reider's outstanding study treats this unusual scion of a remarkable age, contextualizing his work from a unique perspective. Under various noms de plume, Akinari authored significant works in several genres of both poetry and prose, but his greatest opus is incontrovertibly his Ugetsu monogatari (Tales of Moonlight and Rain), a collection of nine stories that revolutionized tales of the supernatural, elevating the genre to unprecedented levels of style and sophistication. Such a work deserves - and has duly received - ample critical attention from scholars on both sides of the Pacific, resulting in a plethora of secondary literature, to which contribution of a truly original piece of scholarship constitutes no small challenge. Professor Reider's study not only fills numerous lacunae, but presents many interpretations that will be new to English-speaking audiences. Among these are her astute analysis of the role of "obsession" (shunen) in the stories, and her recognition of Akinari's bunjin portrayal of an ideal world in which social justice ultimately prevails as mirroring a strong social consciousness. Throughout, Professor Reider's arguments are presented in cogent terms. Tzvetan Todorov maintains that literature of the fantastic - which includes tales of the supernatural - succeeds as art only to the extent that it is able to present events and characters to the reader suspended in a state of uncertainty whether all is a product of illusion or of reality, for "once we choose one answer or the other, we leave the fantastic for a neighboring genre, the uncanny or the marvelous." The attainment of this state is no mean stylistic feat for a writer, but its efficacy depends on a readership capable of entertaining such a temporary suspension of judgment. It must be a readership whose imagination is hobbled neither by a crude credulousness nor by a sterile positivism.

  • Sales Rank: #6843057 in Books
  • Published on: 2002-08
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.50" h x 6.50" w x .75" l, 1.05 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 204 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
One of the best resources on kaidan ever published
By Zack Davisson
I first encountered these articles in the academic journal of Asian Folklore Studies, when I was writing my Master's thesis on yurei, the Japanese ghost. The two main articles, "The Emergence of Kaidan-shu" and "The Appeal of Kaidan" formed the backbone of my research, and I am thrilled to see them collected here in book form.

Noriko T. Reider probably knows more about kaidan, Japanese strange stories, than any other person around. When I was doing research for my MA, I read through literally hundreds of books, both in English and Japanese, and it was Reider's articles that I kept coming back too. She has a way of writing that is concise and readable, academic without drowning in its own language like books like Civilization and Monsters: Spirits of Modernity in Meiji Japan which is so dense as to be almost unreadable.

"Tales of the Supernatural in Early Modern Japan, Kaidan, Akinari, Ugetsu Monogatari" has four chapters, each with a different focus. "The Emergence of Kaidan-shu" is a history lesson on from its beginnings in early folktales to the kaidan-boom of the Edo period. Next, "Belief in the Supernatural in the Edo Period" discusses the attitudes towards the supernatural in Edo period Japan and how they created the atmosphere in which the kaidan genre could arise. "The Appeal of Kaidan" discusses people's fascination with gory and grotesque stories, and what is it that drives people to tales of the unknown. The last chapter, "Akinari and Kaidan Ugetsu Monogatari" discusses in depth Ueda Akinari, author of Tales of Moonlight and Rain, possibly the best kaidan book ever written.

While the pure history of the first few chapters is interesting, Reider's focus on the concept of obsession and the role it plays in Akinari's celebrated book brings her collection to a higher level. She clearly has a passion for Akinari's work, and it shows as she dissects the nine tales in Akinari's book, looking into the driving nature of each character to focus on and pursue what obsesses them.

There is a dearth of good material writing on the fascinating world of Japanese kaidan, and it is a real shame. But of what is available, Reider's work is definitely the cream of the crop, and if I was a professor grading a paper that discussed Japanese supernatural in any way, and Reider's name and "Tales of the Supernatural in Early Modern Japan, Kaidan, Akinari, Ugetsu Monogatari" was not in the bibliography, you would need a pretty good excuse to get a passing grade.

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Tales of the Supernatural in Early Modern Japan: Kaidan, Akinari, Ugetsu Monogatari (Japanese Studies, 16), by Noriko T. Reider PDF
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Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

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MODEM STUD, by Karl Gerber

After thirty years, and a good number of lapsed statutes of limitation, the story of the pioneers of cyberspace is finally available in e-Book as a work of fiction.

In the days before the internet, the Lemur Brothers ruled the electronic airwaves with their multi-user BBS the Speak Easy. MODEM STUD follows their careers as programmers, pirates, phone phreakers, sysops, and the original cyber bullies.

After second grade Lemur Jr.’s school attendance was spotty. By age eleven he could program in a variety of languages and krack any ware. His older brother, Captain Lemur Eyes was the front man of the operation. He created complex piracy networks that involved trade embargoes, ass-kickings, and the hacking of competitors’ systems. Once the brothers’ bulletin board system dominated the Los Angeles airwaves, Captain Lemur Eyes became the internet’s first addictive content writer and super salesman.

MODEM STUD, the coming of age story of two eccentric geniuses and the microcomputer age.

Travel back in time to the age of the double density floppy drive. Read about software piracy at 1200 baud, half-duplex. Learn about the original generation of home computer users.

Author, Karl Gerber, ended his computing career in 1987 to become a nationally recognized labor lawyer. Lemur Jr. went on to create computational models used to understand the role of the microbiota in human diseases. Their father, the benefactor of much of their hardware, is a five decade veteran of the computer industry.

For more information about the book, or Mr. Gerber's writing career visit http://modemstud.com

  • Sales Rank: #2159481 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2014-02-26
  • Released on: 2014-02-26
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Kudos from Someone Who Was There
By B. Gerber
I was intimately involved with the boys and their Speakeasy BBS. Lots of artistic and poetic license, but it all really happened. A must read for today's web mavens who think they invented online interactive, social communications and monetizing same. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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Run, Turkey, Run!, by Diane Mayr

With Thanksgiving only one day away, can Turkey find a place to hide from the farmer who's looking for a plump bird for his family feast?

Maybe he can hide with the pigs . . . or the ducks . . . or the horses . . .

Uh-oh! Here comes the farmer!

Run, Turkey, run!

  • Sales Rank: #22739 in Books
  • Brand: Walker Childrens
  • Published on: 2009-11-01
  • Released on: 2009-10-27
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 5.40" h x .10" w x 8.67" l, .30 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 32 pages

About the Author

Diane Mayr is a public librarian and the author of several books for children. She lives in Salem, New Hampshire.

Laura Rader is the author and illustrator of more than one hundred books for children, including Santa's New Suit and the popular What to Expect series by Heidi Murfoff. She lives in Los Angeles, California.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Amazon Customer
Loved it

16 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
great story for my classroom!
By J. Resnick
I recently read this story for my students. They LOVED it! They joined in whenever the page said "Run, Turkey, Run!". They have asked me to read it again and again. I will make this a keeper for my class and read it every Thanksgiving! It's a simple and fun story.

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Kids will enjoy the antics of turkey as he tries to escape farmer.
By J. Olsen
This is one of those fun stories that have a line that repeats throughout. Little ones love being able to chime in at the appropriate time. I was looking for something my daughter could use with her preschool class of 3-year-olds. I enjoyed this book so much I had to get one for me, too, to read to my grandkids.
It is the day before Thanksgiving and Farmer is in hot pursuit of Turkey, with burlap bag in hand. Turkey tries to blend in with his farmyard friends, and this gets pretty funny, but ultimately Turkey just has to run!
What does Farmer's family end up having for their Thanksgiving dinner? And what happens when they go looking for a Christmas tree after Thanksgiving?
This book will entertain and generate discussion. The illustrations are colorful, fun and full-page. The words are minimal. I recommend this as a book to be read to preschool children, or one that early readers could read with a little help on the few big words.

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Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

[K548.Ebook] Download Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II: 1972 to date (all marks) (Owners' Workshop Manual), by Steve Davies

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Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II: 1972 to date (all marks) (Owners' Workshop Manual), by Steve Davies

Dubbed 'Warthog' - or just 'Hog' - by those who fly and maintain it, the Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II is the world's undisputed close air support attack jet. As tough as it is ugly, it has built a fearsome reputation as a tank buster and infantry killer in conflicts around the globe, and its GAU-8 Avenger 30mm cannon strikes fear into the hearts of all unlucky enough to be on the wrong side of it.he A-10 was clutched from the jaws of retirement by the 1991 Gulf War. At the time of the conflict, the United States Air Force was making plans to shed it's A-10 fleet, citing obsolescence and redundancy. As the ensuing conflict showed, nothing could have been further from the truth, and no other airframe could have provided the US and Coalition commanders with the sort of forward air control, close air support, combat search and rescue, and tank busting capabilities that the Hog did. Since then the A-10 has delivered capabilities to battlefield commanders in the Balkans (1990s), Afghanistan (2001 onwards) and the second Gulf War (2003 onwards), and Libya (2011). A-10s have flown around 11 per cent of Operation Inherent Resolve sorties (striking IS targets in Iraq) since combat operations began in August 2014.

  • Sales Rank: #2038861 in Books
  • Published on: 2017-06-10
  • Original language: English
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 192 pages

About the Author

Steve Davies is a freelance aviation journalist and photographer living in Cambridge, England. He is the author of F-15E Units in Combat 1991-2005 (Osprey), F-15C Units in Combat (Osprey), F-15C/E Units in OIF (Osprey), F-15E Strike Eagle: All Weather Attack Aircraft (Airlife), and F-15 Eagle & Strike Eagle: Combat Legends (Airlife). He is also a regular contributor to the aviation press including International Air Power Review, Combat Aircraft, Air Forces Monthly, Aircraft Illustrated and Air Pictorial.

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Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

[Q255.Ebook] Download PDF Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software, by Tadeusz Stolarski, Y. Nakasone, S. Yoshimoto

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Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software, by Tadeusz Stolarski, Y. Nakasone, S. Yoshimoto

For all engineers and students coming to finite element analysis or to ANSYS software for the first time, this powerful hands-on guide develops a detailed and confident understanding of using ANSYS's powerful engineering analysis tools.

The best way to learn complex systems is by means of hands-on experience. With an innovative and clear tutorial based approach, this powerful book provides readers with a comprehensive introduction to all of the fundamental areas of engineering analysis they are likely to require either as part of their studies or in getting up to speed fast with the use of ANSYS software in working life.

Opening with an introduction to the principles of the finite element method, the book then presents an overview of ANSYS technologies before moving on to cover key applications areas in detail.

Key topics covered:

Introduction to the finite element method
Getting started with ANSYS software
stress analysis
dynamics of machines
fluid dynamics problems
thermo mechanics
contact and surface mechanics
exercises, tutorials, worked examples

With its detailed step-by-step explanations, extensive worked examples and sample problems, this book will develop the reader's understanding of FEA and their ability to use ANSYS's software tools to solve their own particular analysis problems, not just the ones set in the book.

* Develops a detailed understanding of finite element analysis and the use of ANSYS software by example
* Develops a detailed understanding of finite element analysis and the use of ANSYS software by example
* Exclusively structured around the market leading ANSYS software, with detailed and clear step-by-step instruction, worked examples, and detailed, screen-by-screen illustrative problems to reinforce learning

  • Sales Rank: #2176829 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-03-01
  • Released on: 2007-01-29
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.67" h x 1.07" w x 7.43" l, 2.24 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 480 pages

From the Back Cover
For all engineers and students coming to finite element analysis or to ANSYS software for the first time, this powerful hands-on guide develops a detailed and confident understanding of using ANSYS's powerful engineering analysis tools.

The best way to learn complex systems is by means of hands-on experience. With an innovative and clear tutorial based approach, this powerful book provides readers with a comprehensive introduction to all of the fundamental areas of engineering analysis they are likely to require either as part of their studies or in getting up to speed fast with the use of ANSYS software in working life.

Opening with an introduction to the principles of the finite element method, the book then presents an overview of ANSYS technologies before moving on to cover key applications areas in detail.

Key topics covered:

Introduction to the finite element method
Getting started with ANSYS software
stress analysis
dynamics of machines
fluid dynamics problems
thermo mechanics
contact and surface mechanics
exercises, tutorials, worked examples

With its detailed step-by-step explanations, extensive worked examples and sample problems, this book will develop the readers understanding of FEA and their ability to use ANSYS's software tools to solve their own particular analysis problems, not just the ones set in the book.

About the Author
Tadeusz Stolarski is a Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering at Brunel University, UK. In addition to his research and lecturing on topics including fracture mechanics, tribology, and design principles, he has also performed consultancy work for a variety of companies including Castrol International, SKF, and Advanced Bearing Technology.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
best ffor understanding
By Fernando Okigami
This book is the best I've read for understanding ANSYS Classic with hands-on examples. It starts with an introduction to FEM and then moves to practical examples. For sure you should get a paper copy for it!

See all 1 customer reviews...

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Senin, 14 Maret 2011

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Margie asks, why do people have to die?, by Laura Rocke Winn

Book by Winn, Laura Rocke

  • Sales Rank: #1393151 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Review and Herald Pub. Association
  • Published on: 1999
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 284 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Excellent for Children!
By Lisa L. Reynoso
I grew up listening to this story on audio tapes (not that I'm THAT old...), and I must say, not only is it a captivating story that makes a good chapter bedtime story book, but it really does help children grasp the concept that sometimes a loving God has to allow bad things to happen. When I became an adult, I realized that some people question whether God is really a God of love because of what He allows to happen. It had never occurred to me to ask such questions, and I believe this book was a strong factor in that. I just got a copy for my children and plan on reading it for bedtime stories. Now if I could just find the audiobook....

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Best written explanation for children about why bad things happen and people do bad things
By Spooky's Mom
I also grew up reading this book. I loved to read and I would check it out of our church library over and over again. It has stayed with me and helps me to explain to others why God allows bad things to happen and why he has to allow sin to run its course. It is Biblically based and helps to understand the war between God and Satan. I am starting to read it to my 5 year old now that she is asking what sin is and why did bad people kill Jesus. It is a wonderful story about God's love for us and his overwhelming desire that all should come to know him and be with him. Although it is a children's book, it is a great read for adults who are new to faith or learning about Christianity.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Every Child should read it
By Jean Watz
I think this is a must read for every child, and adult too, for that matter. It answers so many questions about life, death, sin and the great conflict between good and evil in our world. I am reading it to my grand kids when they visit and we are all enjoying the thoughts put forth in behalf of Biblical information.

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Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

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Noticeable wear to cover and pages. May have some markings on the inside. Fast shipping. Will be shipped from US. Used books may not include companion materials.

  • Published on: 1900
  • Binding: Paperback

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The World in 1776, by Marshall B. Davidson

One-third of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence were not of English stock. Eight were first-generation immigrants. It was in recognition of the mixed European background of so many Americans that John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson proposed that the seal of the United States bear the national emblems of France, Germany, Holland, Ireland, Scotland, and England, thus "pointing out the countries from which these States have been peopled."

Many came, as Thomas Paine stated, in search of asylum. But they also came with an intent to preserve and refresh aspects of life in their homelands.

In 1776, Europe boasted a rich civilization, alive with dynamic ideas, flourishing arts, and promising concepts in science. The foundations of industry and business were established, and social reforms were being undertaken, which Europeans took with them as they colonized and traded. They had come in contact with Eastern civilizations, above all, China. Here, from award-winning historian Marshall B. Davidson, is the story of the world of 1776.

  • Sales Rank: #33880 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-06-14
  • Released on: 2015-06-14
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

31 of 31 people found the following review helpful.
Read This Before Reading Anything about the American Revolution. Seriously.
By Timothy Donahue
This is an absolute gold nugget of a book. It looks at the wider stage of the (mostly) western world surrounding and leading up to the Declaration of Independence. It is a must-read for any student of the American Revolution who wants some background on the diplomatic, cultural, artistic, and aristocratic world of the late eighteenth century. I wish the author were still alive so that I could send a personal note of congratulations and gratitude.

23 of 23 people found the following review helpful.
A panoramic view of the countries and forces in play leading up to the American Revolution.
This history does not focus too exclusively on the year 1776, nor does it bother too much with the world other than Europe, Canada and the 13 British American colonies, but it does provide a good overview of the countries that had the biggest influence in shaping the world view of what would become the United States of America during the eighteenth century. The book covers the cultural, scientific, religious and philosophical figures of that time, as well as the political leaders and cross-currents that swept the regions during that tumultuous century. Very insightful.

14 of 15 people found the following review helpful.
Fascinating history summary which puts a very interesting perspective on ...
By Robert M. Galbraith
Fascinating history summary which puts a very interesting perspective on the development of the ideas incorporated in the declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. If you want to understand where many of the ideas in these documents came from this is a book to read.

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Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011

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  • Published on: 2000-02-15
  • Binding: Paperback

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The Paperless Law Office: A Practical Guide to Digitally Powering Your Firm, by Benjamin F. Yale

In 21 chapters, this groundbreaking and practical book will guide you through transforming a small law firm or solo practice from today's usual (lots and lots and lots of paper, file cabinets, printers and copiers,) to the "paperless law office" where everything is scanned, stored on a computer or in the cloud, and searchable and retrievable electronically.

  • Sales Rank: #1286500 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: American Bar Association
  • Published on: 2013-02-26
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .58" w x 6.08" l, .85 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 286 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
Benjamin F. Yale is a graduate of Yale College and received his JD from Ohio Northern University. He is a member of the Ohio, New Mexico, and Texas bars. He lives in Waynesfield, Ohio with Bonnie, his wife of 38 years.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Carlos H. Cisneros Pc
Great read.

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